For knitters or for anyone who's eyeballs won't dry out reading about the trials and tribs of living in a fiber art world.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
We're Havin' a Heat Wave...
This is mom's birthday weekend. It started Friday. My younger sister and her daughter (the ONLY grandchild mom's gonna get, and she's okay with that) came up from New Jersey. They left today and tomorrow we have dinner with the older sister. Her actual birthday is Tuesday. She's 70 this year, though you'd never know it. Spunky she is!
The only progress I've made knitting is socks and even that came to a screeching halt today. Fans couldn't circulate the air fast enough to stop my hands from sweating. I did go to Webs Thursday night and pick up some cotton sock yarn. Hopefully that will slip a bit easier. Whew, I'm going back to the fan ya'll!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
I've Got A Feelin'
As I was watching my Red Sox "bleach" the White Sox last night I knit the left armhole longer than the right. It was a late game, what can I say. There's just evilness surrounding this project I tell you. I can feel it!
And here's the "Boy Colors" socks. MMMmmm, there was a bit of chill in the air this morning so I had to put them on.In the background is part of my backyard. The plants surrounding the maple tree (which also serves as my clothesline pole) are Christmas cacti. Most of them are in bloom. They love it outdoors all summer. I'm in hopes to turn some of that green turf into a crushed stone patio(mowing-not my thing). I like the sound the stones make when walked on. Reminds me of the driveway at my Grandparents camp which was made of crushed clamshells. So many projects. Cuts into my knitting time.
I was interviewed at my new job by the town newsletter. I was asked what I like to do and I lit up and said, "I knit!". And what else do you do? "Um, hmmm" Well you must do something else! "No, not really". It was rather a dull story but okay by me. It's a small town and I don't need everyone knowing my business. They've got enough on their minds knowing everyone elses business.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Bang Bang Bang
For two entire days that's what we've listened to. Yes, it's July 4th weekend. I love fireworks but I've had my fill of my neighbors' incessant obsession. I'm also worried that he's going to hurt himself or set someone's house on fire. Not mine, I live far enough down the street.
I have no knitting pics to show you, not for lack of knitting, there is a sock done and another almost halfway, no, I haven't taken any pictures--plain and simple. For the first time in weeks it has not rained a single drop. I have enjoyed the outdoors and the breezes for hours on end. I have a great backyard with trees and gardens and a swing with a canopy--spa-ness. (note: as an esthetician I know spa!) The solar powered fountain gurgles and plops and the hummingbirds zingzing from feeder to flowers. They take a rest on my clothes line then zingzing away. I had plenty of yard work to do but I completely ignored it to enjoy the day, so there.
I checked in on Yarn Harlot and learned some interesting things about Canada--check it out. There's a nice pic of Lucy on Wendyknits and the Mason Dixon site has baby bluebirds. So, from all of our blogs there seems to be more to life than can that be?