I'm still working on the winter suit skirt. [insert non-existant photo of work-in-progress here.] It's ready for the first try on to know if I continue or frog it for the next try. With spring busting out today I'm not going to be able to wear the ensemble in its meant for climate until late fall. Oh, well. I wouldn't stop spring from coming for all the worsted weight in the world. I can almost see the entire width of my driveway. I haven't seen that for months.
I received a notice for
Fiber Twist this year. It's being held October 25 in Deerfield. I believe you can tour to various farms for demos and such.
Even better?
WEBS anniversary sale is coming up soon! It's crazy madness but well worth it. I've been skulking the warehouse, taking notes (how sick am I!). I may know the stock as well as the clerks that work there do.
I found something interesting today. I love to short row but don't like the mark it leaves. I googled short rows and found tutorials on japanese short rows.
This one made the most sense to me. Seems to not leave that tell-tale twisted thread. We'll be giving it a shot on the next sock heel.