Okay, we had a wacky snow filled winter. Now we are being pounded with thunderstorms and though I love them, they're causing damage. We're talking power outages (three hours yesterday) Trees down. House on fire. No, not mine but the next street over. NOT GOOD. Repeat of storms again today. So dark you can't knit. We've had 2 and another just announced over the weather radio. Oh, let's add flooding today. Geesh!
In between storms I finished Happy Feet #12

Started Happy Feet #1. I do like this sock yarn. The socks are heavier but my gauge is the same.
During a break in the weather Beau was consumed by the garden ivy.

Then laid on his back to sun himself. Odd cat...

...while Andrew stayed in this position for a couple hours just waiting for a bird to suddenly drop out. It never happened. In fact, we have babies. Cheep! Cheep!

Beau took up the position and went one step further. Climbed up the door casing, grabbed the birdhouse with a paw on each side and stuck his nose in. (a picture would have been better but for the sake of the the birds I ran over to peel him off.)Took all my strength to wrench that cat off the bird house. No one was hurt. Well, maybe the boys pride as I shortened their leads to stop
that from happening again. I'm no fun.