For knitters or for anyone who's eyeballs won't dry out reading about the trials and tribs of living in a fiber art world.
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Tennis Anyone?
A new knitting project has arisen due to not being able to find one of my sweaters. My aran has hidden itself so I won't carry out the threat of removing the neckline for a redo. I also said rude things about the wool always looking dingy no matter how many times I soak it so it's feeling abused I'm sure. I made up the pattern myself featuring honecomb, rope and crab cables which all conveniently twist on the same row and will reuse said pattern for my new sweater. Instead of traditional off-white I'm using a blue heather Cascade 220. I didn't bother to take a pic of two rows, I'll save that for later. The two sweaters will look different (if the orginal ever shows up again.) due to the fact that the original was knit from the bottom up and the new one is being constructed from the top down. Only the crabby cables will be the tell.
With all these finished socks and sweaters I'm looking forward to cooler weather. Not that I want summer to end just yet but a week of day temps in the 70's and nights in the 50's wouldn't be so bad would it? It could even thunderstorm every 6 hours like it has been if it wants. I did spot a red maple leaf this morning-a little reminder of what is to come.
Monday, July 28, 2008
What I did on My Summer Vacation
This was a double rainbow. Much prettier in real time, you can barely see it here.

Fireworks for the Christmas in July celebration held by the Boat Club at Barton's Cove. A view from my front porch, how convenient!
And that's how I spent my summer vacation.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Missed Wednesday, It's Thursday

Meet zip up cardi. When zipped to the top it will have a stand up turtleneck. I still need to get the proper length zipper. One thing bothers me. The colors are bright, summery, perfect for warm weather wear. What's bothering me is that it's worsted weight wool. Not perfect for warm weather wear. Is it going to look odd in the fall & winter? Apparently I think so. It fits perfect. No jog joins thanks to several websites and Ravelry tips on the subject. I'm one of those -NO WEARING WHITE AFTER LABOR DAY kinda New England gals. I'll just have to get over it or find a pair of white ski pants and make a fashion statement. Not like I've never done THAT before! Bev-stop laughing, I can hear you.
For some cosmic reason I made extra wide hem facings and it made quite a difference on how the sleeves and bottom hem hang. Good for me!
After reading Brooklyn Tweeds blog on tubular cast on I was quite intrigued so I investigated more. Definitely will give that a shot the next time I do a "bottom up" sweater.
I have to get everything cleaned up in the office today before I escape for a week. I am so looking forward to it I can't tell you.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
Now I have 3 shrubs shorter than the rest so we've kicked goofy looking front facade up another notch. Lawn maintenance was the order of the long holiday weekend in my neighborhood. Not a day went by without someone crankin' up the lawnmower or weed wacker to shatter the silence. Even the kid next door (30 year old that acts about 12) who allows the grass to grow 8" before doing a mow got his licks in late yesterday evening. Haying is more the word for it. But anyhoo...
My current Large project is a cardigan with a challenge: a zipper front. Why that strikes fear into me I do not know. I conquered cotton steeks for pity sakes! And if the zipper thing turns into a fiasco I can always do a button band. There, that should calm things.
It's kitty flea drop application time and the boys HATE it! It's the only time they run away from me and hide. I've never had any problem with my other cats. Beau walks around after the treatment squinting his eyes as if I put acid on him and the fumes are too strong for him to open them normal. Yes, I've checked the skin to make sure it's NOT burning them and it's fine. There must be a smell to it that I can't perceive but they can. I try to reason with them about the whole lack of flea business but has anyone had any success reasoning with a cat? They get over it, so do I.
I need to go buy a zipper.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008