Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Company's Coming

My neighbors lawn BEFORE. 18" high at least.
And after. Never gets mowed unless relatives from far off are coming to visit. So, max, it gets mowed twice a season. I won't even get into what the rest of the place looks like....
In knitterly news, I neglected to post Baby Blue completed. Here you go.
and on this cropped cardi every stinkin' last thread has been woven.
The weather was nice enough to dip into the 60's so I could wear it. It is an absolutely B-E-A-U-U-U-T-I-F-U-L day. I hope everyone had a pleasant Memorial Day weekend.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where I Am So Over That

So little DRAMA on the cotton steeking project. Broken needle on the machine took longer to replace than the whole process. I applied fusible interfacing on the inside then zigzagged for insurance. Snip! Snip!
I'll get this posted under "Done Stuff" in a jiff.
Meanwhile, Stashbuster has almost 2 sleeves. Fingerweight yarn sure takes a long time to knit! It would also help if I would stop changing my design on the fly...
I'm so excited to see what I'm going to do with the body. Aren't you?
I'll be away for a few more days. Honor your vets. Ta!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

While I Was Away...

I took a spring break and managed to stay out of trouble.
Finished. (had to wear it this morning due to temp drop. Mmmm, toasty.)
99% there. Needs button band/buttons. I should be done with it by now but steeking cotton causes me to pause and REALLY THINK IT THROUGH.
There were 50 gazillion ends to weave in. Note to self: no stripes for awhile. Hard to tell from the piled-like-a-lump picture but it's a cropped cardi with a slip stitch design.
Stash busting project. Fingerweight merino. Not enough of any one color to complete so there will be color changes. It will have a zipper in the front but not full length. Zip will start at mid chest and zip into turtleneck collar.
"I'll just hold the ball down for her."

Without a Hitch

The groundbreaking ceremony went off without a hitch. The weather held out for the most part. The local school children sang 4 choruses of "This Land Is Your Land" complete with banjo. The gold shovels did their duty. Let the project begin!

Friday, May 08, 2009

A Senator, A Few Reps, You Know...The Usual

Just another Friday at Town Hall. Groundbreaking complete with dignitaries and light refreshments.