Simple. Plain Vanilla. Valley Yarns "Longmeadow"
Little problem with curling at the top and bottom even though it was finished in seed stitch and I-cord. I think it just wants some steam attention.
The front and back darts made the fit on this gold number perfect. I used a 5 needle. At first thought maybe it would be too tight and stiff but it worked so well I'm repeating the process for my current project minus the dyelot mishap.
The red turtleneck was such an instant favorite I followed up with this blue number. A little less ribbing.
Voting in Massachusetts
Senate race today. So glad on so many levels. Most of all because Martha Coakley and Scott Brown will STOP CALLING MY HOUSE!!!!!! I got so tired of it I recorded an answering machine message just for them. This kinda back fired. The pollers (?) calling found it amusing and told their co-workers about it so they called to listen and giggled in the background. The second good thing is the commercials these two have been torturing us with. The only time you could get away from them was by watching PBS shows that did not involve politics or news. I am sooo much smarter and well informed about Belgium, coyotes, bears, radiant get the idea. I got alot of knitting done. Just have to bust out some sleeves on the current w.i.p., give it a block and it will on to the next project. Crank, crank, crank.