Friday, June 25, 2010

Sitting Around Waiting for the Hummingbird

It got too dark. Hummingbird didn't show.

It would have been nice if I had zipped off a pic of the hoodie in process instead of waiting for a no-show bird. The blog is about KNITTING not BIRD WATCHING.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Missed It

You would think, as rare as earthquakes are in New England (reports say we get about 6 per year) that I would notice when one went through. I wouldn't have known anything about it if the MEMA radio behind me in my office hadn't announced it and caught my attention. Ten minutes later our local newspaper called the Town Hall to ask if there was any comment. My comment was, "poop, I missed it!" We have tractors and 'tater pickers that cause more vibration than the earthquake. Fortunately, the reporter didn't quote me in today's paper.

Speaking of the Town Hall, I didn't mention we have had a little animal problem this week. Not your run of the mill animal problem. You may be thinking squirrels, birds or chipmunks. No, keep in mind this is a farm community. We have to be different. We had goats.

Not having been around goats I kept my distance. Cows don't bother me. Those that wrangled Goat 1 and Goat 2 said they were very sweet. I'll take their word for it. These two were claimed and brought home safe and sound. Seems they have learned how to open the gate as they escaped the next day. We also had a horse on the loose in a wooded area of town. Now horses I'm scared to death of if they're not on their side of the fence. Wanted no part of that capture. It too was claimed by its owner and taken home.

That's life in rural New England.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Progress Report

So I haven't been just sitting around twiddling my thumbs. This girl's been workin'. All that's left in the scrap bag is 5 oddballs of Cascade 220 "Turtle" (my favorite). I'm saving that for after I do something with the dark red stash. They'll look fab together in a stripey sweater. This last sweater still needs the zipper installed but I haven't been in the mood-know what I mean?
I have a sweater jacket in process. I "borrowed" the design concept from the cover of Knit magazine or some knitting magazine I walked by. I also started a LACE project. After 2" I tossed it in the knitting bag. No mistakes (yet) but dawg gone it  if lace doesn't hold my attention which is crazy but that's me. It's a Wendy Johnson pattern called Seriously Simple Shawl. Like I said, so far so good but man, my contacts dry out before I get the row done because I don't want to take my eyes off the chart and mess the bloody thing up! It exhausted me.
Give a shout out to you folks in Ontario. Hope everyone is okay. Had a little shake of the earth today.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

The Andrew and the Ivy
The Lily

The Alium

The Beau Baby 

The Miniature Roses
Back to Andrew

And gobs and gobs of stockinette stitch. Bore you later.

Monday, June 07, 2010


What is so hard about finishing a project and taking a picture. Beats the heck out of me but for some reason a time warp occurs and poof! 3 projects later I get around to taking a craptastic photo of hours of


See? Crappy blurry photo #1. Love the sweater. Amazing how lime green goes with pretty much everything in my wardrobe. It would be nice if I blocked it someday.

Then there's the scratchiest silk garment in the world. I call it Pain. I noted in my knitting book to never work with this yarn again. Brutal on the hands. At least it's in focus. 

There's still at least 2 other sweaters that are finished and two more in process. And spinning! *sigh* I guess I need an assistant following me around with my camera if I want to do this right.

As a follow-up to all the bad weather we had, our power came back on 2 days later rather than the 3-4 days "they" were forecasting. This weekend followed up with tornado watches. In New England. Phtlft! Nor'easters  are quite enough, we don't need to take on southern or mid west weather specialties.