For knitters or for anyone who's eyeballs won't dry out reading about the trials and tribs of living in a fiber art world.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sad Weekend
I may add a new member to the family but not until after the holidays. Time to heal.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Election Day and Knitting
How does this relate to knitting? Off the top of my head it doesn't other than I'd rather be knitting, I have a sock in process under my desk. There'd be hell to pay if I took that puppy out and ripped off a couple rounds--the tax payers of this town are not paying me to knit. They really should considering the *crap* I put up with some of them. Not all, just some. We've got one gentlemen worried about trees on another resident's property that aren't bothering the owner and are not a threat to another living sole in town. I've heard this gentlemen's story every day for a week. He needs to be told to mind his own business but I've never seen this covered in Secretarial training. I'm sure he'll be in today. Can't wait!
Another resident didn't like how a litigation turned out (not her way of course) so she will be in to tell those who'll listen how stupid we are. Think it would be okay to say "I'm rubber and your glue..."? Rats, didn't think so. And let's not get into the sewer bills that were just issued....
No, I'd MUCH rather be knitting. On the needles? Regia socks, swatching for Warm the Children and winding Jazz for a top down cardigan. Yeah, I still haven't got to that-Hey I've been busy! I will say that I do like my Trekking XXL socks (finished yesterday) and would purchase the wool again.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The Leaves Are Falling
One hat is done for the Warm the Children project and I'm attempting a top down mitten to go with it but have developed a brain cramp at the thumb opening. I need to read my regular cuff up pattern to get around this. It's all good.
What's all this to-do about Rhinebeck? Sounds like fun and will have to see what the weather is going to do before I decide to make the trek. If memory serves me right there is a Fibertwist happening in Deerfield next weekend.
Busloads of leaf peepers have passed my office window the past couple weeks but by this weekend it will come to an end. This year they should have scheduled Deer-peeper buses--they're everywhere! My new found scouting techniques have saved me more than a few car wrecks I'll tell you. Deer don't use crosswalks and don't look both ways before crossing the road.
One of my dearest friends from High School called me last night, and guess what? She lives near Cherry Tree Hill . Heh, heh.
Monday, October 02, 2006
And Now For Something Completely Different...

Next up is Jazz, 50 alpaca 50 wool by Artful Yarns. Soft Soft Soft. The pic stinks so I'll tell you what the colors are: royal blue, muted teal green, gray and charcoal.

I will do the double button hole bands with removable button strip as I did with the Kiwi-fewer buttons this time though. But that's down the road awhile. I have to figure out what the circle of the former picture is going to become. Open to suggestions.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
So what have I been knitting? Socks baby, nothing but socks. This will end now that the cooler weather has invaded western Mass. The needles will spit out hats & mittens for the Warm the Children project. I also hit Webs and came home with woolly yarn that I'm thinking will turn into another top down cardigan because I do love my Kiwi.
Time for another cup of tea.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Are you still there?
Back to what we're here for--the knitting!

My progress is cotton socks but with the hurricane rain and the cooler temps the wool yarn will be put back on the needles. These are Sockattas I believe-who knows, the ball bands escaped a long time ago.
Regia's are on the needles now--just started.
So there you are. No I haven't changed my whole life for the "distraction" just opened a new door. I still have my heels!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Where Have I Been?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
We're Havin' a Heat Wave...
This is mom's birthday weekend. It started Friday. My younger sister and her daughter (the ONLY grandchild mom's gonna get, and she's okay with that) came up from New Jersey. They left today and tomorrow we have dinner with the older sister. Her actual birthday is Tuesday. She's 70 this year, though you'd never know it. Spunky she is!
The only progress I've made knitting is socks and even that came to a screeching halt today. Fans couldn't circulate the air fast enough to stop my hands from sweating. I did go to Webs Thursday night and pick up some cotton sock yarn. Hopefully that will slip a bit easier. Whew, I'm going back to the fan ya'll!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
I've Got A Feelin'
As I was watching my Red Sox "bleach" the White Sox last night I knit the left armhole longer than the right. It was a late game, what can I say. There's just evilness surrounding this project I tell you. I can feel it!
And here's the "Boy Colors" socks. MMMmmm, there was a bit of chill in the air this morning so I had to put them on.In the background is part of my backyard. The plants surrounding the maple tree (which also serves as my clothesline pole) are Christmas cacti. Most of them are in bloom. They love it outdoors all summer. I'm in hopes to turn some of that green turf into a crushed stone patio(mowing-not my thing). I like the sound the stones make when walked on. Reminds me of the driveway at my Grandparents camp which was made of crushed clamshells. So many projects. Cuts into my knitting time.
I was interviewed at my new job by the town newsletter. I was asked what I like to do and I lit up and said, "I knit!". And what else do you do? "Um, hmmm" Well you must do something else! "No, not really". It was rather a dull story but okay by me. It's a small town and I don't need everyone knowing my business. They've got enough on their minds knowing everyone elses business.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Bang Bang Bang
For two entire days that's what we've listened to. Yes, it's July 4th weekend. I love fireworks but I've had my fill of my neighbors' incessant obsession. I'm also worried that he's going to hurt himself or set someone's house on fire. Not mine, I live far enough down the street.
I have no knitting pics to show you, not for lack of knitting, there is a sock done and another almost halfway, no, I haven't taken any pictures--plain and simple. For the first time in weeks it has not rained a single drop. I have enjoyed the outdoors and the breezes for hours on end. I have a great backyard with trees and gardens and a swing with a canopy--spa-ness. (note: as an esthetician I know spa!) The solar powered fountain gurgles and plops and the hummingbirds zingzing from feeder to flowers. They take a rest on my clothes line then zingzing away. I had plenty of yard work to do but I completely ignored it to enjoy the day, so there.
I checked in on Yarn Harlot and learned some interesting things about Canada--check it out. There's a nice pic of Lucy on Wendyknits and the Mason Dixon site has baby bluebirds. So, from all of our blogs there seems to be more to life than can that be?
Friday, June 23, 2006
The Cat Days of Summer

On the job front I have to say I really like it. It’s not a drudge to go in everyday like the last
Ooo, thunder, here we go again! No Red Sox tonight! :' (
Sunday, June 18, 2006
The Birthday Box

Anyway, that's all that's on the needles this week. I've also taken advantage of the Non Rain situation here in New England and done more outside home owner stuff, trimming hedges, rhododendrons which of course means I have to make a trip to the (dump) transfer station. Blech. I did that last week and ended up with a knob on my forehead from the trunk lid clopping me. I'm fine, it's turned a lovely shade of chartreuse. The last place I want to be knocked out cold is the compost dump.
Shapely Top remains in a raw state ready to go.
Until next blog--Take care!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Ta-Da! Alert the Media-Kiwi Is Done!

Yes, it's true. Kiwi is finished and ALL 19 buttons have been attached to a perfectly matched grosgrain ribbon. I'm very pleased and hope the weather stays cool a bit longer so I can wear it. We're back to rain rain rain here in New England. So much so I wanted to dry the house out a bit yesterday when I got home from work and went to the thermostat to run the furnace for a cycle and got nothing, zip, completely ignored by my command. I checked the oil, yup, still have plenty; the fuse, fine; the Emergency switch, no change. Call the furnace tech. Oh dear, it IS the Emergency switch--no juice. I can't wait to get that bill. That'll cut into the knitting budget.
The new job is going swell, at least I made it through week 2 without losing my composure. In fact I was quite pleased with my accomplishments. I'm not as brain dead as I thought.
Tonight is the Relay for Life in which I will do some strolling for the cause. I have the 11pm shift and I do hope to stay dry, this is New England though. I have a nice warm Aran to wear, no this is not a job for Kiwi. I think Kiwi will go to the office for her debut. See how the buttons are removable? Button holes on both sides. So let's review:
Cascade Yarn The Heathers-Kiwi
Size 6 needles
Gauge, gauge, what was the bloody gauge! Gone, and no I didn't write it down
Top down raglan
Finished size 38
Ribbing pattern borrowed from Wendy
Seed Stitch bands
Pearl buttons (with different button bands to follow, and no I haven't forgot about making the Fimo kiwi slices. I saw some leather buttons that would look nice too.)
Didn't take a pic but still working on the Mega Boot Stretch 2x2 rib socks. Next up on the needles: Shapely Top using Classic Elite Premiere in Tea Rose(though it looks more watermelon to me!)
'Til next time....
Thursday, June 01, 2006
It's Too Hot!

It's Kiwi in progress with the second sleeve slooooowly getting longer. Are you asking about buttons? Here's my idea: Buttons made from Fimo clay that look like slices of kiwi! Don't forget, I will be doing button hole bands on BOTH sides so I can have interchangeable button strips to attach and match my mood. Have I ever worked with Fimo clay? Noooo, but that's never stopped me. Maybe a strip of pearl buttons and something plain, you know, for Those Days.
Speaking of one of those days, I mentioned I started a new job. Well, on day three I had a total meltdown, WHAT-HAVE-I-DONE-GET-ME-OUTTA-HERE meltdown. Ya had to be there. Of course I feel like a bloomin' idiot now but they tell me I'll be fine, and I will. I'm just one of those people that thinks I have to know everything about the job in one day. I have to get over that. This job is going to take months to comprehend. Let's work on my patience, shall we?
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
A Short Note
I FINALLY got the body of Kiwi finished and one sleeve. Pic coming of that soon. The lacy socks are done and hopefully my feet won't gain any weight cuz there's not alot of stretch. Sock of the day is another Lana Grossa Mega Boot with 2x2 rib starting from the toe.
The weather has been horribly hot--August weather. Way too soon for my taste.
For the Memorial Day weekend my family and I went to the Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory. Wow, the website doesn't do it justice. A must do if in Western Mass.
Will attempt to post pic progress soon. Bear with me folks...
Friday, May 19, 2006
They're Not Just My Imagination

My F&F sock #2 is coming along ...

I'm using size 0 needle a 9sts per inch, you'll have to search for the Red Sox socks to find out what the yarn is as the ball bands are long gone. I've had several Dr's appointments and these have travelled beautifully. No misbehaving what-so-ever.

The same cannot be said about Kiwi. I'm bitter. But determined. String will NOTget the best of me!
So there you have it. It continues to rain and I thank my lucky stars that A) I live on a hill and B)my cellar has stayed dry.
Web's tent sale this weekend, whoo hoo! Back to scrounge for more Regia sock yarn and whatever else the budget will allow.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Something Wicked This Way Comes.....
Needless to say I still don't have any worthy pics to upload. It's rained in New England for a week. Everything's nice and green and yes the sun will continue to rise and set regardless what happens with Kiwi. Until next time....knit.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Take Two and This Time Without the Whining
The Inca's with picot edge.

The Cotton Sockatta's with picot edge. Harlot, if your here you're also on the coffee table, see?

Detail of the poncho, wait for it.....

with a picot edge on the bottom and around the neckline.

The pic does not do it justice, the varigated section is very bright and it's an Irish border design but looks more Aztec, but it's not. And last but not least....

My RED SOX !!! These were a hit at the office. They're also great for swinging and whooping in the living room when big Papi is slammin' it over the wall. Kinda like twirling a towel at the Patriot's game. I should merchandise these....hmmmm.
So there you have it. Progress is being made on Kiwi--the top down raglan and I'll get a pic of that as soon as there is something to look at and the Feather & Fan sock didn't get much attention today. Tomorrow is another day...
What the Heck?!?....
I have started a pair of Feather & Fan with the leftover white from the Sox socks, starting the design on the instep. I didn't think walking on the lacy part would be too comfy. I also started a top down raglan. As I am an Anti-Seamer I have always gone bottom up via Elizabeth Zimmerman. Time to give Barbara Walker a shot. So far I've ripped that puppy out 3 times. Material is light worsted, Cascade Peruvian Merino in a heathered lime green. Oh, did I not mentioned that I tootled around Web's Saturday morning after I got off the phone with the Techie at my local ISP? Regia sock yarn for $6 a 100 gram skein people! I hoarded as much as the budget allowed and found the Cascade at an amazing $4.69 per hank. I was absolutely giddy.
Yeah, then I went back home and tried to blog--total disaster. To perk up my mood I went back to knitting and my Red Sox, they won thank you for asking. Played Baltimore this weekend and it was good to see Kevin Millar again--I still miss him.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Stand By for Station Identification...
Monday, April 24, 2006
The Harlot Has Landed
Everyone brought their knitting but I never took mine out of the bag, I would have missed the visual antics she goes through! We went back to Web's for the signing part of the party but, did I want to stand in line for 2 hours?--no. 20 years from now I'll kick myself when a signed copy of Knitting Rules goes for 2million on ebay. What can I say. Like she and I were going to become best friends just as she and Martha Stewart are? Oh well. Anyway, I did buy red and white sock yarn to make---Red Sox socks! You know, white toe and heel--look at their logo. It'll be 97 degrees before I get to them but I've had this idea bouncing around my head ever since spring training.
And the poncho--it's getting there. Slowly. One, two, three, four, five, (flip).....
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Just Cranking Them out Here

How interesting that the Sockotta socks changed pattern direction and went all zig-zaggy on the 2nd sock. How does it do that?! And some people find this a problem, not me.
Now, next up is Lana Grossa Meilenweit Inca which is a wool/poly blend on size 0 with a 9sts per inch gauge-nice and smooth! I haven't broken any of my bamboos but I just know it's going to happen before I get to the end. Not being negative, I'm positive I'll break at least one. And see, both socks at once to avoid SSS (second sock syndrome). The (vroom-vroom) Addi Turbo Magic Loop is keeping up nicely.

The poncho is on the bottom with the 2 color pattern at the halfway point. This has beentoo slow a process for me. Well, my own fault, I hate having to keep track of counts and this hasn't the short repeating pattern that a fair isle does. No, I had to design the bloody thing to go 24 st stretches so that I have to stop, swing the 2nd color over to carry every 5 sts, bleh, bleh, bleh. So far the results are great but I'll pitch the pattern when done. I have this insane notion that I have to get a project done in a week or less. Need for speed I guess.
I've been reading my Yarn Harlot Knitting Rules! and snickering to myself(non-knitters find this odd-go figure) to find out there are others like me doing things I figured were too bent to be done by "normal" people. I've enjoyed the reading and am looking forward to seeing Stephanie in person this weekend. I've never been to a book signing...
Sunday, April 16, 2006
The Week That Was
Sockotta socks are done-wow, they seem to take longer to dry.
Started another pair of wild self striping socks in Lana Grossa, one on size 0 dpns (those babies are gonna snap, I've got toothpicks that are sturdier) and the other on a Turbo a la Magic Loop.
I've frogged the poncho once using a nifty technique I learned on the Virginia Purl. Huge time saver.
I popped over to Web's Saturday to pick up my Yarn Harlot Knitting Rules for next Saturday's signing. Another skein of sock yarn followed me home. Harlot's got over 100 of us awaiting her arrival so they had to move the event to the Clarion. Web's is large but that would have been a bit too cozy. I asked the clerk about lace weight yarn and she scrunched her face and admitted that they didn't really carry alot of it, Lorna Laces but, oops, none in stock. Oh, did I mention that since I got the sock thing down I am now so Invincible that Lace is my next project? After the poncho of course.
Well, off to fix my turbo'd sock as I noticed on my way to Ludlow, VT for Easter dinner that I have dropped a stitch. Can't blame the car ride as I appear to have dropped it before I got in the car. And no I was not driving and knitting at the same time. Traffic was too heavy. ;)
And how about those Red Sox.....
Sunday, April 09, 2006
The Red Sox & Knitting, It Doesn't Get Any Better!

A bit blurry!
Finished the Mega Boot Stretch socks and had to put them on right away. Swatched the microfiber I’m using for mom’s poncho with the variegated I chose for the design-- that works. (the design on the swatch is not what will be on the poncho) Just haven’t figured how I’m going to work the increases down the front and back and keep the design from looking odd. I see frogging in my future. On the up side--the Red Sox beat the Orioles. (I miss Kevin Millar! ;( )

It’s the cotton blend sock next, no give to these babies. I’m trying the Magic Loop method. Actually, this is the second time I’ve tried this. I bought a lovely 29” bamboo set and started the Mega Boots doing the Magic Loop but when I pulled the tip of the needle forward it came off in my hand. Adding insult to injury the cable end slipped off leaving the stitches behind. Fortunately I had gotten past the short rowing and was plain knitting when my gear malfunctioned. Those will be going back from whence they came. I have to say, that would never happen with dpns. I have acquired another 29” set of circs and as you can see, so far, so good.
They're predicting sunny weather here in Massachusetts tomorrow, darn, that means no excuses not to do yardwork until the Sox come on at 2:30p!
Friday, April 07, 2006
It's Been One of Those Weeks...
On to more positive thoughts
The poncho is coming along. I'm a little nervous of the neckline. You see, I was a good little knitter and made a swatch, washed and dried it and it lost quite a bit of length and width so I cast on according to the swatch. Hmmm, the neckline seems a bit wide but, I must trust my swatch. Trust the Swatch, Trust the Swatch...
Mega Boot sock #2 is being cuffed. And I have been investigating knitting LACE! I am so not a lace girl but since mastering the whole sock thing I am absolutely fearless. Bring it on!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
The Mega Boot Stretch & The Wildfoote
Happy 24th Birthday to JayJay!
Here she's getting her tanning in and even though I'm an esthetician and vehemently opposed to tanning, she's allowed because 1.) She's 168 cat years 2.) She has always done what she wanted and 3.) It's the only physical activity she does these days. You go kitty!

In my new sock quest I have been experimenting with a few different materials in sock yarn. My latest is the Lana Grossa Mega Boot Stretch that to date is my favorite sock. The yarn is "sproingy", ultra comfy and the sock hugs my foot and leg. I went with a 2x2 rib and a sewn cast off. I like it so much I went back to Web's and bought another color. This one is 710.

My Wildfoote with the Feather & Fan came out beautiful--so nice my mother took them practically before they were off the needles! This material was finer and will look great with a pair of flats. I over exposed the shot so the design was more visible. They are much darker than this.

As I said, I went back to Web's and picked up a few more sock yarns including a cotton/wool/nylon mix just to see how that works up. As I was wandering in fiber nirvana I noticed a sign that said that the Yarn Harlot would be there on April 22 to promote her new book. Count me in! I enjoy her blog and her insight.
Off to get started on mom's poncho, the swatch has been washed and dried, let the games begin!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Here's The Proof

My roadtrip to Web's resulted in a Lana Grossa sock yarn called Meilenwiet/Mega Boots Stretch. Quite a bit heavier than the Wildfoote. That store can be so overwhelming, so many choices. Their anniversary sale is coming up in April and their maniac tent sale at the end of May. Must wear protective gear for that one, it gets wild!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Pay Attention When Short Rowing...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
More Socks!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
One Down, One to Go
I still can't get my photos to load, the upload function says it working but no picture appears. And I used to be a WebMaster! It's not rocket science! uurrrgggg!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
My New Adventure in Socks
I found an easy way to divide a ball of yarn to make 2 evenly. Some knitters use scales to weigh the original ball, wind a new one and weigh it periodically to see if it's the same weight. In my effort to always shorten the process, I just left the original ball on the scale, set up my ball winder next to it and wound off until the original ball weighed half what it did. I have a pic of that too, honest.
The clerk at Northern Woolies and I bonded in our conversation of the dpns and circ methods. (She brought it up, I didn't.)That was comforting. Apparently I was just unaware that there was an established class system in the knitting universe. Well, too bad, knit with what you want I say.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Congratulations! It's a sock!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Uncle! Uncle!
Finished the toddler size pullover I was making so that leaves 2 pair of mittens, Fair Isle baby hat and sweater to block tonight. Well, maybe not tonight, I received the Harry Potter Goblet of Fire dvd in the mail yesterday and it needs to be watched.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
How to Start a Knitting War!
I'm finishing up projects out of my yarn stash which is so dismally low it nearly brings a tear to my eye. Plenty of hats and mittens for Warm the Children project and such and I'll keep adding to it. Luckily WEB's yarn shop will be having their anniversary sale soon, next month I believe, and I'll join the melee to enhance my supply.
I found a design pattern for the poncho I mentioned earlier, now I need to chart it out.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
And the Saga Continues...
To conclude the shrug madness, I tore apart the wrap shrugs and created more classic designs using chunky yarns with large needles and small needles to fill requests for fashion and function. I do enjoy wearing them, sometimes you just don't need a whole sweater.
Friday, February 10, 2006
On The Other Hand...
On the other hand, my attempt at a criss cross shrug, very popular, even my hair stylist heard about it, a non-knitter but I love her anyway, failed and I'm trying to figure where I went wrong. Gauge was perfect but the math did not work. 75" x 12", 18.5" seamed for each arm end, that's 37" used up leaving 38" for the center. Unless you're the size of a 5 year old this does not fit. I queried the pattern originator and received a lovely response that if I look at the picture it's stretched a bit to fit. HuH! I pity the model after that shoot. I went on my own and ended up with a center section 60"! Almost twice the pattern! And you know, the bloody thing doesn't stay put. Annoying to wear. Not one to give up, I tried again using 1 strand instead of two thinking maybe the tension was too tight? Nah, still ended up with 60" in the center. I like the lighter weight but it creeps up and shifts like it's trying to get away. Stretched a bit my eye. I would have been better off just looking at the picture and winging it like I usually do and then wouldn't have gotten myself in such a fuss over the instructions.