How interesting that the Sockotta socks changed pattern direction and went all zig-zaggy on the 2nd sock. How does it do that?! And some people find this a problem, not me.
Now, next up is Lana Grossa Meilenweit Inca which is a wool/poly blend on size 0 with a 9sts per inch gauge-nice and smooth! I haven't broken any of my bamboos but I just know it's going to happen before I get to the end. Not being negative, I'm positive I'll break at least one. And see, both socks at once to avoid SSS (second sock syndrome). The (vroom-vroom) Addi Turbo Magic Loop is keeping up nicely.

The poncho is on the bottom with the 2 color pattern at the halfway point. This has beentoo slow a process for me. Well, my own fault, I hate having to keep track of counts and this hasn't the short repeating pattern that a fair isle does. No, I had to design the bloody thing to go 24 st stretches so that I have to stop, swing the 2nd color over to carry every 5 sts, bleh, bleh, bleh. So far the results are great but I'll pitch the pattern when done. I have this insane notion that I have to get a project done in a week or less. Need for speed I guess.
I've been reading my Yarn Harlot Knitting Rules! and snickering to myself(non-knitters find this odd-go figure) to find out there are others like me doing things I figured were too bent to be done by "normal" people. I've enjoyed the reading and am looking forward to seeing Stephanie in person this weekend. I've never been to a book signing...
1 comment:
Those Meilenweit socks are beautiful!
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