Much better day at the Hall. No one tested my composure therefore I was able to be my professional self. Yesterday does not exist any longer.
I also forgot to mention that I started a baby sweater/hat and if I'd take more pictures of knitting and less of cute kittens---oooo they are just so adorable. Oh phooey, they're only babies for a short time, the knitting will always be there.
If you haven't already go see the Yarn Harlot for her update on the NYC trip, wish I could have been there.
For knitters or for anyone who's eyeballs won't dry out reading about the trials and tribs of living in a fiber art world.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Good Thing Monday Only Comes Once A Week
There must be an unwritten by-law that if your an angry citizen you MUST be condescending, nasty, rude, and juvenile (no matter what your age or wealth, though I have found the more money they have the worst they are. Why not, they're used to everyone doing what they want when they want.) to the first person you come in contact with at the Town Hall whether that person has anything to do with your problem or has any authority to do something about it. NEVER take your grievance to someone who can actually answer your question or quell your misguided anger. No. Dump it on the Secretary. It hasn't been a pleasant day.
But, I have this to go home to....
These fine young gentlemen are so sweet and very rambunctious! They purr when I get home--that's always nice.
Just laugh mom! It's all good!
But, I have this to go home to....

I finished the, the...I don't have a name for this sweater. Huh! But, as you can see I do have a new toy.
Dress Maker's mannequin. She looks great in the sweater.

Now I'm stuck for a project. WEBS doesn't have the Addi Lace needles in yet and socks don't count. I do have a coral cotton yarn marinating in my stash. Well, actually it was a Shapely Tank from last summer that was frogged. I'm still thinking shrug. I saw one this weekend in an all over lace pattern using a sport/dk weight and it peaked my interest. I'll have to give it more thought. I'll just wait until Tuesday and see how it goes....
Andrew says.....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Meet My Boys
Monday, March 19, 2007
k2p2 k2p2
Rib, Rib Rib
It's never taken so long. I'd post a pic but it's just k2p2 ribbing on the body. I still have to do the turtleneck. The next project will have NO RIBBING in it. I'm thinking an aran shrug. Yeah, yeah, I know I said no more shrugs but I've got this idea in my head......
The exciting news is the arrival of 2 kittens this week. I've made arrangements to pick them up Wednesday and I can't wait. The nursery is ready. I loved my older cats dearly but it's time for some excitement that only kittens can bring. I'll be sure to post pictures. Until then it's k2p2, k2p2.....
It's never taken so long. I'd post a pic but it's just k2p2 ribbing on the body. I still have to do the turtleneck. The next project will have NO RIBBING in it. I'm thinking an aran shrug. Yeah, yeah, I know I said no more shrugs but I've got this idea in my head......
The exciting news is the arrival of 2 kittens this week. I've made arrangements to pick them up Wednesday and I can't wait. The nursery is ready. I loved my older cats dearly but it's time for some excitement that only kittens can bring. I'll be sure to post pictures. Until then it's k2p2, k2p2.....
Monday, March 12, 2007
You CAN Do It!
I have been reading how to do this for years but my brain would not understand how it worked. I finally just decided to go for it. Barbara G. Walker has walked me through it like the genius she is. Top down with set in sleeves knit all at once. No seperate body and armholes and sleeves to sew in because you know precious hates to sew in stuff. Bam! And you know what? It. Fits.
One thing I want you to notice...see the pooling on the left side?(it will be on the right side when wearing it) That's not supposed to happen when you USE TWO OR THREE SEPERATE BALLS OF VARIEGATED YARN BUT THERE IT IS! I don't mind it a bit. So much for doing it by "the rules." And yes, there's a huge difference in color between skeins.
Like night and day and that's what I love about hand dyed. I'm going to do a 2x2 rib from the underarm down on the body and from the elbow down on the sleeves. And same turtleneck. I hope the weather stays cool enough to wear it! Got up to 50 this weekend. Downright HOT.

Friday, March 09, 2007
What to Wear, What to Wear
Here we have it. And this is an old photo as you can see by the date in the lower right corner.

The two sweaters are Nature's Wool and the poncho is an Alpaca blend who's originator escapes me. Love it but does that baby shed! It's light, soft and fuzzy...I have made an interesting discovery. The poncho is no heavier than the two sweaters but it never fails, I wear the poncho all day, as I would the sweaters and at least one person will ask me if I'm cold. I reply "no" then chuckle because they just assume that the poncho is outerwear? Maybe it's the fuzzy feature, yeh, that may translate as heavy. We'll go with that.
So I have the Top Down Raglan style down, time to try something new. Currently on the big project needles is a Top Down Set In Sleeve all at once pullover. Nature's Wool again in a light blue to teal and THIS time I am working with two balls at once to avoid variances in color which is inevitable with varigated hand dyed. Just ask Purling Swine. She knows. I have the fortune of living close to WEBS and can spread hanks out on the floor to get the closest match. Those ordering on line do not.
Of course there are several socks in progress, the pocketbook traveling sock and the living room basket socks. I also bought lace weight yarn and am gathering the courage for my first "real" lace project.
So as long as this Arctic Blast lasts in western Massachusetts I have plenty to keep me warm. Time to start working on spring/summer items.....
What's that? What about the long cardi? Eh hem. Let me just say, if I think the yarn is ugly as a hank, no amount of knitting talent changes that fact and put it back on the shelf. We call it the "Ugly Sweater". I love the sweater style and fit and I may get brave enough to photo it for y'all, but this baby ain't leaving the interior of the house. Lesson learned there folks.
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