There must be an unwritten by-law that if your an angry citizen you MUST be condescending, nasty, rude, and juvenile (no matter what your age or wealth, though I have found the more money they have the worst they are. Why not, they're used to everyone doing what they want when they want.) to the first person you come in contact with at the Town Hall whether that person has anything to do with your problem or has any authority to do something about it. NEVER take your grievance to someone who can actually answer your question or quell your misguided anger. No. Dump it on the Secretary. It hasn't been a pleasant day.
But, I have this to go home to....
These fine young gentlemen are so sweet and very rambunctious! They purr when I get home--that's always nice.
Just laugh mom! It's all good!
But, I have this to go home to....

I finished the, the...I don't have a name for this sweater. Huh! But, as you can see I do have a new toy.
Dress Maker's mannequin. She looks great in the sweater.

Now I'm stuck for a project. WEBS doesn't have the Addi Lace needles in yet and socks don't count. I do have a coral cotton yarn marinating in my stash. Well, actually it was a Shapely Tank from last summer that was frogged. I'm still thinking shrug. I saw one this weekend in an all over lace pattern using a sport/dk weight and it peaked my interest. I'll have to give it more thought. I'll just wait until Tuesday and see how it goes....
Andrew says.....

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