This project went from cardigan to pullover back to cardigan. I've seen several versions of steek finishing on the internet.
Well, here's how I did it. I'm sure there's many other ways but it worked and that's what counts.
I sewed grosgrain ribbon on each side of the garment over the steek. (Right side facing)

Cut the steek...

Sewed the ribbon onto the inside....

Put on the finishing touches and blocked. This pic shows the colors more accurately.

This shot shows the seamless set in sleeve. The stitch pattern blends in well and will hold the shape better than my plain stockinette sweater.

I have the material for the skirt and as soon as I'm finished with my spring fling sweater/jacket--yeah, it's another one of those out-of-my-imagination creations that will morph several times before it's called done so I'll save the torture for the end. Never made a skirt. Hope I can handle a tube. Luckily WEBS still had the color and amount in Cascade 220 that I
think I need. Met a friend of mine from high school there and then we did lunch. If you're ever in Northampton MA, stop and walk Main St. It has everything. Great restaurants, unique shops...and lots of traffic but many places to park. You could hike it from WEBS but it would be quite a hike. Personally, it's a shame there aren't eateries closer to it. I think Noho is missing economic potential. WEBS is such a huge draw and we knitters like to eat! Help keep up our strength from all the wool fumes!