Top photo: April 2007. Bottom: February 2008. They were 6 weeks old when I got them I'm guessing birthday is somewhere near the first week of February.
Bitterly cold here in W. MA. Won't last long. The snow squall yesterday was a little freaky. Spent a lovely morning in Northampton having brunch at Union Station. Sunny and clear. Even ditched the heavy wool coat. Went to the mall in Hadley. Meandered back home and noticed the ominous dark clouds to the west. I was home maybe a half hour and darkness decended. I looked outside and saw nothing but white snow coming in horizontally and the wind howling. Lasted quite awhile. Didn't disturb my knitting one bit.
The cardi I was working on has turned into a henley pullover. (stay with me here)It's going to be too warm to wear past February, more of a late fall/winter top. Putting on the finishing touches. And then it's on to an item I saw in the Vogue 2007 Holiday issue. The Russian coat by Norah Gaughan. It's stunning. Not using her yarn suggestions. They're beautiful but mine's going to be wild. Where hers is rich and earthy mine will scream. Call it what you will. It's a very elegant style and I'm hoping a change in color won't change that aspect. Won't know until we try, right?
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