Have you ever worked with a yarn that you just can't get enough of? I've worked with alot of Cascade 220 but this has to be my favorite. I think it's called skyblue heather. I tried to check on Webs site but it was taking too long and we all know I have the patience of an amoeba's flea. Continuing on, I love the color, the weight and the halo and I haven't even blocked it yet. This particular pattern is killer on the hands but I just couldn't put it down this weekend. Front and back are done to the underarm. I forsee purveying more of this wool for another project.

I went to Michaels and bought a stencil cutter for my quilt project. I'll be doing some maple leaf collecting for the quilting design.

I also purchased a quilting thimble. It resembles a guitar pick 'cept worn upside down for quilting.

My tennis injury has healed--good thing, I have another lesson tonight, if it stops showering. At the moment the sun is shining and we have rain coming in sideways. Never dull weatherwise in New England.
And Manny-best of luck to you in LA. All I'm gonna say.
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