Here's what I do when we have perfect fallish weather. I do something I HATE. Painting. Painting my back porch. But it's done and when I woke up this morning it was still on. And I did it without falling off the ladder. (hate ladders.)Look at that yucky aluminum siding. I've tried several cleaners and no improvement. On one section it appears the previous owners tried to paint over it. It wasn't a positive result. Take my word for it.

On a more fun note, the hand quilting is done. I found the perfect stencil at the Bennington Quilt Festival. I need to wrap this puppy up cuz it's getting nippy at night here in Western Mass.

This blob of knitting will be a zip up vest. It's knit from the top down and I'm at underarm point. The steeks have it all bunched up. I praying the gauge gods are with me.

The last of the gladiolas. The yellow one looks like it's lit! Hmmmm, the window needs washing too.

My hallway. See the rug all bunched up at the end? I find it this way almost every day. You'd think I'd take the hint. (Note the other renovation in progress, stripping paint off stair posts, rails and stiles. Blech.)

This is where the rug is intended to be. I don't think it looks that bad.

Beau disagrees. He's quite the home decorator.
(Note: I know the red table cloth doesn't go either. It gives me a tic every time I go by it. Another member of the family thought it would look nice.)

No modesty with this one. Let's it all hang out when he sunbathes. Yes, he's sound asleep. He usually has his head in the lavendar. Nothing like a snooze and hot rock massage with aromatherapy. Zen kitteh.

I've also cranked out a few pairs of earrings but the pics come out all glare from the BLING. I haven't tried taking pictures in the dark-hmmm, I'll try it and let you know. I'm sure you'll all be waiting with baited breath. (never understood that phrase. Who wants bait breath!)
1 comment:
The gladiolas are gorgeous and kudos for the paint job!
Between Wendy's Lucy and your Beau the cuteness of these shots are out of control!
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