"I want to sell (pick one: pie, baked goods, raffle tickets) on election day at the Town Hall."
Me: "you need permission from the Selectboard and their next meeting is November 18.(AFTER THE ELECTION.)
"Why can't I just set up a table in the hall?"
Me(in my head): "because we're trying to run an incredibly large election as smoothly as possible so people don't have to wait for hours to get in to vote because the [pie/baked goods, raffle ticket] table is holding up the works. And why are you waiting this long to ask if you can do this? Never mind, you were probably going to wait until election day with pies in tow and whine in person."
Me: (in real time) "let me put you through to the Town Clerk so she can explain."
Wait 2-3 minutes and hear the Town Clerk wail after she has hung up, "Aargh! I can't stand it!"
Now your thinking, Miss Sandra, why so harsh? Let me explain. We have one polling venue-Town Hall. Two-thirds of the population votes so that's about 2,000 folks trying to come in, vote and get on with their lives. Past elections with extra curricular activities being held in the main hallway have had less than positive results. There are spaces in other areas of Town Hall where one could sell their wares without disrupting the works. Everyone parking and coming in has to pass this non-invasive space. Pie for everyone! Less complaints! (notice I said "less". There are days I think they should rename the building Town Complaints but being a government entity what do I expect?) It's a very exciting day, election day. The hubbub in the hallway outside my office brings giggles and groans and I get to see some folks in town only at elections. I guess we're trying desperately to keep the crankies to a minimum. I know I'm hitting my polling venue as early as possible. Come to think of it, I've never seen a pie table there.
See, this is where everyone should know how to knit or crochet. It's an excellent way to pass the time waiting in line to vote.
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