Okay, I may be exaggerating a little. Summer colds are the worst and summer has just begun. Minimal knitting was accomplished but not for a lack of trying. I stuck to something small and plain to avoid major heartbreak in ripping it out because I dozed off due to cold medicine coma causing a boo boo.

I used up cotton yarn from the last sweater and steeked it for a zipper yet to be purchased. I was VERY brave and cut it after applying fusible webbing with no back up stitching. Brave may not be the correct term. Bonkers to attempt it in my brain fuzzy condition would be more appropriate.

Sewing in the zipper should quell any fears. I found the webbing without reinforced stitching was very stretchy and I'm thinking of using it for a bottom hem idea or possibly a cotton rug. It's still brewing. We'll see how it goes.
Today we are having true summer temps in the mid 80's and with all the rain of the past 36 days...it's a tad humid. I'm going to go have a coughing fit now. My status has gone from plague to black lung.

"I spent a whole day nursing her back to health." It was the only way I was going to get her out of the house!"
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