Saturday, May 19, 2012

By Request

Mom's aran is finished. Too bad the temps are going into the eighties this weekend. Even so, another may be started to get a jump on the season. I'm sure there is a color missing in my collection.
Along with the aran request, Mom asked for a batch of my apple/plum jelly. I made my first batch twenty years ago. I made my second batch yesterday. Ahem, no, I did not go into mass jelly manufacture back in 1992 though I did enjoy the process. 

I learned from my mistake last time which was: DON'T SQUEEZE THE CHEESECLOTH 
CONTAINING THE COOKED FRUIT. Thus, clear jewel colored jelly. I just wish I was more of a jelly eater. I have plans to slather roasted pork ribs with the booty for a yummy glaze. 
My grandmother Hazard used to make huge batches of apple jelly. Plain apple is fine and was my plan in 1992 but found I was short apples and the plums just happened to be on the shelf so in they went. It was such a hit I tried it again. Yup, worked again. AND EVERY JAR TOP SET. I had a fear they wouldn't the first time and again this time. My fears were unfounded both times. Now I'll get cocky and they won't set next time. Let's see, that will be 2032. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

I hate the thought that I haven't finished a project before starting a new project. But I had to. Now that the project interruptus is almost done I can go back to the project I decided to ignore and move on.
 This was my first try at Mosaic knitting. The process went fine, it was the gauge and math and the inability for the two to sync that caused me to toss it over my shoulder and start the aran.
As the weather gets warmer I'm betting the sleeves, which are all I have left to do, will go no farther than 3/4 to match the season. This cardigan will be fine for cool mornings and evenings. The finish will have a Chanel-ish look with a grey I-cord the same color as the design.
Then what? I need some inspiration!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Who Is The Patron Saint of Lost Things?

Arrrggghhh! You know when you buy something that you can't use right away  so you put it away for future use and the future arrives...only you can't remember where you put the bloody thing???!!! I'm having this problem with a part to the Bose system. The piece for the internet access is hiding, safe in it's box, mocking me. I can see it my mind; I just can't get my mind to tell me where it is safely staying. Frustrating. I'm wasting knitting time looking for it and writing about it.
I'll just leave it up to the patron St. of Lost items. If I could remember who they were....

PS. It worked. Thank you whoever you are. No knitting done but I have MUSIC!

Monday, May 07, 2012

This, That and The Knitting Thing

 Getting ready to roll another aran off the needles. Mom said she needed a blue one so a blue one it is. If you've been paying attention the pattern is the same I developed, er, ah, quite awhile ago and I still enjoy every row of it. I think this is the longest my attention span has been on a par-tic-u-lar thang.

As I mentioned in the last old moldy post we have a baby arriving any day. The parents are rabid Bruins fans  so in six months or around September when temps drop to sweater weather our babe will be ready to wear the black and yellow in full support of the Beloved B's.
The spring floral show in my back yard is coming and going so fast I have to go out daily in order to shoot it.

My white rhododendron is hidden away but I caught it this year soaking up the sun. After a number of days of rain the bees and butterflies are keeping busy doing what they do.
At the end of the day yesterday, the cloud display was a real treat. At sunset the clouds blossomed in color.

Pretty darn cool.