Saturday, July 14, 2012

And the Heat Goes On, The Heat Goes On...

Brain cells have reached their melting point. I have gone as far as eating frozen cake balls to keep cool. This is not good. Or good for me. Not even close to October so too soon for snow. Being the indoor plant that I am it's too hot to go outside to do anything. I have projects just waiting to be finished but here I sit complaining it is too freaking hot and humid.
I'm not completely inactive. I have knit away on a project that quite frankly has me baffled. Not the project or the knitting, but the raw materials. The label says 100% Egyptian cotton from ......wait for it....Greece. How does THAT work? Wait, don't try to explain. My brain is too puddled to absorb the information or care. Let's go to the picture instead.
As all cotton garments, this is going to be a heavy sweater. Secondary colors, lavender and pistachio make this a jeans sweater. Maybe navy slacks or leggings. I have an interesting idea for the finish of the neckline.You'll see. 

Look at them, poor things. Why they insist on laying on the porch floor when they could be in the one cool room in the house is beyond me.
 "Because you won't pester us out here."
"Because the squirrel is more visible."

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